
NOW is the Right Time

How are you feeling about your health today? Are you thinking that you’ve lost time you can’t get back? Are you feeling like you want to change, but you just don’t know how or when?

Let me encourage you today, that there is never a better time to work on your health than right now.

During uncertain times when it feels like the world is crumbing around us, we need to remember that we have every good chance to turn the tides for our health. There is never a “too late,” as long as our lungs have breath and our heart still beats, there is hope.

Friend, you have certainly NOT missed your chance.

Let’s start right now, right where you are. Are you fearful? Let’s replace that with confidence now. Are you chronically ill and feeling closed-in by your diagnosis? Let’s take some steps together today. Are you feeling well, but still a little worried?

Now is the time to dive deeper.

But, please, don’t hide.

Don’t let fear rob you of forward progress and healing.

We simply can’t be living our lives hiding from our truths. The longer that we all choose to ignore our symptoms, to wish things away, to wait for “someday,” the more we dig ourselves deeper into poor health.

Fear for our health comes from neglect of our health.

The diseases that claim the most lives in America are “lifestyle diseases” - it is our neglect of caring for our bodies and our choices that accelerate disease. I don’t state this to build fear in you - PLEASE, let fear go - I state it to help us all recognize and accept that there are so many things we can do to decrease our chances of disease and suffering, if we only choose to.

We get one life, one body. And, although our purpose in this world is not simply to have lived a healthy life, living healthy creates FREEDOM. We need to feel free to love others wholly. And fear and uncertainty (even in our health) rob us of knowing just how much we matter.

Do you realize how much YOU matter?

How much this world needs you?

There will NEVER be another you on the face of this planet.

Your gifts, your talents, your voice - they all make a difference here. YOU mean so much to those around you, and to me. Just like your fingerprint, you are totally unique, and your life and your presence here are irreplaceable. The world needs your gifts, as well as your love and encouragement. Your kids, your co-workers, your friends - they are all changed simply by you being you.

THIS is why health MATTERS.

How can you be loving or encouraging when you feel downright exhausted, sick, anxious, or uncertain in your health?

If you feel like you’ve lost time in working on your health, take heart. It’s NEVER too late to start. What you do - right now - will not only change you, but may be the determining factor in your health status for the rest of your life.

Everyday, we all get the chance to choose health. In small ways like picking a salad for lunch instead of a burger, or going for that walk we’ve been putting off. And in larger ways, like finally taking that step to get some testing done. Small or large, we can choose to move towards health and wholeness today, and every day.

So please, especially now, don’t give up. Even when the world seems to be constantly changing as more fear and uncertainty spread, know that you have every opportunity to rise above your circumstances, and to heal - so you can spread hope too.

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