Office Illness Policy

In an effort to keep our office a safe place for continuing care, we ask that you please stay home and do not come into the office if you are experiencing any of the following symptoms or conditions:

  • Fever of 100 or higher (oral temp), currently or in the previous 24 hours, without the use of fever reducing medications.

  • Cough, shortness of breath, or difficulty breathing

  • New loss of taste or smell

  • Muscle or body aches

  • Chills (repeated shaking)

  • Fatigue outside of your norm

  • Congestion or runny nose, Green or yellow nasal discharge

  • Sore throat

  • Headache

  • Vomiting or nausea within the last 24 hours

  • Diarrhea within the last 24 hours

  • Productive cough with cold-like symptoms (nasal discharge, sneezing, etc)

  • Unexplained rash, skin infections (including impetigo)

  • Pink eye symptoms

  • Any communicable diseases

These guidelines apply to both patients and office staff. If you do come into the office with any of the above signs/symptoms, we reserve the right to ask you to leave.

COVID Precautionary Measures

In an effort to keep our office as safe as possible, here is a full list of the measures we are taking to help stop the spread of the COVID virus:

  • Daily deep cleaning of the entire office - to include countertops, doorknobs, restroom, kids area and toys, treatment areas and tools, seating, computers and desks, and any other surfaces that are common areas of contact. Cleaning logs are being kept to ensure no areas a missed.

  • Sanitizing in-between patients for the following: sign-in computer, treatment tables, treatment tools, pens, toys, and any areas of required contact in the office.

  • Monthly, professional deep cleaning of the entire office.

  • Social distanced seating options in the family area.

  • Socially distanced appointments - no more than one person per 15 minute slot, so there are no large groups of patients waiting in the same room.

COVID Exposure Policy

In the event of a confirmed COVID case for any of our office staff, the following will take place:

  • We will quickly determine if the staff member was in contact with any other team members or patients.

  • If there was a risk of exposure, we will close the office immediately and notify all staff and patients that were exposed, and the remainder of our staff will undergo rapid COVID testing. The office will remain closed until it is safe to re-open again. Before re-opening, professional deep cleaning will take place.

  • If there was no risk of exposure (the team member had NOT been in the office) we will elect to test the rest of our team and determine if it is safe to keep the office open. As a precaution, deep cleaning will take place before we resume seeing patients.

  • Any team members with confirmed positive COVID will not be permitted to return to the office until they have a clear COVID test result or 10 days of no fever or symptoms. CDC guidelines for returning to work can be found here.

If a patient is confirmed positive for COVID and reports that they were in our office while positive, the following will take place:

  • If there was a risk of exposure, we will close the office immediately and notify all staff and patients that were exposed, and our staff will undergo rapid COVID testing. The office will remain closed until it is safe to re-open again. Before re-opening, professional deep cleaning will take place.

If you have additional questions regarding our office Illness Policy or COVID Policy, please contact our office directly at 817-656-4760.