Immune Support Diet for COVID-19

Diet is a powerful influencer of our health status. It is arguably the hardest thing for us to change, but, often, it is the most important. As we work to distance ourselves and enjoy extra time at home, we have every opportunity to make changes in our diet that will significantly impact our our health.

Add These Foods In to Support Immune Function:

1) Vegetables, In Abundance

This should be the foundation for your diet right now. Include raw, cooked, and steamed veggies, in smoothies, juices, and every chance and form you can get them!

2) Fruits, In Moderation

Fruits have numerous phytochemicals that help our immune system and lower our inflammation. We need to be adding these in, but only in moderation because too much fruit means too much sugar, which can feed viruses.

3) Grass-fed and Organic Lean Meats, In Moderation

Be careful not to get too much meat right now (it is high in Arachidonic Acid, which is a risk factor for corona-viruses)

4) Healthy, Saturated Fats

Using healthy, saturated fats (like coconut oil) in place of unsaturated fats (like olive oil) can help limit our amount of arachidonic acid

Remove These Foods to Support Immune Function:

1) Sugar

Sugar FEEDS viruses; they cannot survive without sugar. This is a critical thing to remove right now.

Examples Include: Soda, Sugary Juices, Cakes, Cookies, Ice Cream, Candy, Alcoholic Drinks, etc.

2) Processed, Packaged Foods

These all have chemicals that weaken our immune system, cause excess oxidative stress to our cells, steal our essential nutrients, and have loads of sodium - which can worsen cardiovascular health and diabetes.

Examples Include: Chips, Crackers, Boxed Dinners, Microwave Dinners, etc.

3) Dairy

Dairy causes excess mucus production in everyone, and distracts the immune system in many people who are unknowingly sensitive. When we are trying to boost our respiratory health (sinuses, lungs, gut) we NEED to stay off of all forms of dairy. (This does not include dairy alternatives like coconut or almond milk)

Examples Include: Milk, Cheese, Sour Cream, Yogurt, Ice Cream, Heavy Cream, etc.

Limit Your Arachidonic Acid Food Sources:

High levels of Arachidonic Acid have been shown to be part of the risk factor for severity of corona-virus cases. Corona-viruses of all kinds use an enzyme called Phospholipase A2 to covert Lecithin into detergent and excess free Arachidonic Acid in our bodies. If we have an underlying burden of inflammation and excess Arachidonic Acid, this could potentially cause an inflammatory storm in our bodies.

Food Sources Include: Animal products (bacon, hot dogs, butter, etc), Eggs, Poultry, Beef, Pork, and Fish

Note: Our bodies NEED arachidonic acid, but our diets are entirely too HIGH in this omega 6 fatty acid, and excess levels have been shown to lead to numerous inflammatory conditions, including chronic pain, neurodegenerative disorders, weak immune function, and more. For now, we need to shift towards a more plant-based diet with a normal amount of animal products (not the typical American plate: a HUGE portion of meat - almost the size of the plate and slathered in butter, and a tiny side of overcooked broccoli).

If you need more help navigating your diet, please submit the form below and we will be happy to help!

Need More Help?

If you need help developing or navigating the diet aspect of your Personal COVID-19 Battle Plan, please reach out to us by submitting the form below.

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